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We have decided to release some communication materials for press and broadcasting purposes,
if You are an Agency feel to contact us for updated news on the artist Alberto Patron.
The audio and videos here released are usable, by quoting the source.
All files are from public event with the authorisation of all the people eventually depicted.

New York radio Broadcasting of the italian composer Alberto Patron

Alberto Patron speaks about the value of the Authors
and how to propose a music score to an Editor.
Feel free to submit to A.Patron Your compositions,
he will evaluate them for the publishing.

Alberto Patron plays his original contemporary Composition,
entitled "Memento", for piano solo.

An international music project of the SIMC
(Italian Society of Contemporary Music)

Against the 2022 war and to the aid funding of Ukrainian people

Alberto Patron plays a contemporary complex Composition,
on the Leonardo da Vinci accordion (papel organ).

Realized in collaboration with the:
the N.A.M., The Italian Administration,
the Suvini Zerboni editions(c)2020
and other bodies, for an international project and for the italian event:
Festa della Musica of the Italian Ministry of Culture - 21st june 2021

in collaboration with Musincantus® of the city of Treviso (Italy).

An introduction take on the Aporetic Music,
explained by prof. Cabianca, for a movie cultural series on
contemporary music and trends.

Realized in collaboration with the:
CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC "J.Tomadini" of Udine, Italy
Contemporary Art Pavilions of Pordenone (PARCO), Italy

A scientific analysis take on the Aporetic Music,
explained by prof. Segafreddo, for a movie cultural series on
contemporary music and trends.

Realized in collaboration with the:
CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC "J.Tomadini" of Udine, Italy
Contemporary Art Pavilions of Pordenone (PARCO), Italy

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